May 17, 2011

Getting Dressed

Getting dressed in early pregnancy (especially when this is not the first pregnancy) is a real pain.  I wake up and look in my closet, but suddenly none of my clothes fit.  Or at least they don't fit right.  Pre-pregnancy shirts tend to be too tight and make every bulge look like jelly rolls and pants that once were a little baggy are now too tight and uncomfortable.

I've gone on a maternity clothes hunt, but my regular size (6 or 8) are really too big because they are all prepared for the 7 or 8 months pregnant me, not the 9 weeks.  Buying smaller seems like a waste of money because I'll just have to buy new stuff in another couple of months.

Maternity clothes have come a long way in fashion and style for sure, but they have a long way to go.  Anything that is even remotely what I would wear is outrageously priced and the few things I find that are in my price range (keeping in mind I never buy unless it's on the clearance rack) are the left over things that no one else would wear which usually means it's either really hideous or XXL.  Why do maternity shirts have to have that criss-cross thing in the front?  And who deemed that most pregnant women are employed so the majority of maternity clothes are dressy or dressy-casual?  I'm a stay-at-home mommy.  I need maternity clothes that are... well... functional for playdates at the park and comfortable for the museum.  Stuff like that.  And since when do all pregnant women want to wear either black or magenta or some gawdy print that I'm fairly sure was left over material from a clown costume?  Give me a nice plain something and don't charge me $20 for a tank top.  Come on!

Speaking of playdates and getting dressed.... I'm off....

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