I barely made it through my 2011 "Resolutions" so the idea of making 2012 resolutions seems ridiculous. But who am I if not ridiculous! :-) So... here we go...
First, I'm very anxious about life with the new baby. Being able to juggle him, Sophia, Zoe, and Dave feels somewhat daunting. Zoe's schedule is always hectic, Sophia is demanding of my time, attention, and energy. Dave's expectations of my "role" in the family is as high maintenance as he can be if I don't stay on top of things. Not to mention my course load this upcoming semester and my own goals. I feel quite fortunate that Ethan is such a laid back baby and hopefully that won't change.
I am going to focus this year on a couple of things that should keep life in balance, and assist in my ability to juggle everyone.
1. I want to get us on a very good and fairly strict family schedule. I think that we have really been lacking that consistent schedule and that's been a big problem for Sophia especially. I want to focus our schedule around Sophia so that she can get up and moving on time and in particular focus on the evening schedule getting dinner at a decent hour and a bath and bedtime routine.
2. I absolutely have to focus on my health. I didn't gain much while I was pregnant, but I didn't exactly start off at a good weight. I'm getting older and my body just isn't "bouncing" back like it used to. It can't handle the sugar and junk food/lack of exercise regiment I've maintained these last 35 years. So, with the new year I am going to focus on making exercise a part of my weekly if not daily routine. The fact that I'm taking Fitness Walking as one of my courses this semester helps, but I have to do more. I want to incorporate some yoga/pilates in with the cardio that will be Fitness Walking.
3. Related to #2 is focusing on the eating habits of myself as well as my family. We can always eat healthier and I'd like to really focus on getting the right kinds of nutrition for the family. My Dad gave me a freezer meals cookbook and I'd like to really incorporate that into our family meal time plans. This would make food available for them to pop in the microwave that's good for them (and me). Not to mention, if planned right, this would be wonderful for my pocketbook too. Cha-ching. $$$
4. I want to focus some of my extra money and attention on the house. There is such a long list of things we need for this house and even more that I want. I've been living in this house for a year and a half now and have been in Raleigh for three years and it's time to make this HOME. Not just the place we live, but a complete home. I need to hang pictures and curtains. There's no reason I can't get some things to complete the decoration of this house. Of course, I need a list. The list may be more fun to make than to actually buy from.
5. I absolutely have to get to the crafts I want to do. I can sew and should focus on doing it. I want to learn to knit/crochet and there's no reason I can't learn. This year I'm going to make crafting a part of my weekly schedule. My crafting includes finishing the last bit of Zoe's quilt, making Ethan's crib quilt, making Sophia's new quilt for her new bed, and working on the many patterns I have in the books I have. Plus, hair bobbits, tutus, and whatever else I can think of.
I'm going to "limit" my list to these five things. They kind of include a lot so I don't feel bad for limiting myself. I really hope I can accomplish these 5 resolutions plus maybe throw in a few extras. I hope that these 5 help me get organized in my life as well as in my home. I hope I lose weight and get healthy. I hope I help Sophia to be happier and more secure in her family. I hope I am able to balance the family and house and self. I hope that 2012 brings me as much happiness and inner peace as 2011 has brought. So far, 2011 has been the year I've grown the most in and I hope that trend continues.
Happy New Year readers.
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