January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011!

It's a new day, a new dawn, it's a new year!  I'm turning 35 this year.  There have been a lot of years misguided and misdirected.  A lot of years I didn't live up to my potential.  But I'm done with that.  Starting this year I'm going to start trying to be the person I want to be instead of the person I am.

With this in mind... I've made a list of... well, we'll call them "ideas" for the new year.  Resolutions are unrealistic and destined to be broken, so I don't want to label this plan as resolutions and fate them to fail.

The first step in my ideas are to start this blog.  Maybe for a sense of accountability, or maybe just to have it written what I'm thinking and any chance of progress I may make.  I'll have to add things as they come to me, and writing will be sporadic.  I'm going to post favorite recipes, general thoughts and feelings, and anything else that comes to mind.

So, here's the first of my ideas: 

There are a few things I want to learn to do- knitting, crochet, sewing, baking, cooking healthy, and cake decorating.

There are a few things I want to do- travel abroad, get in shape, and do better with money.

Throw in my full course load at NC State and the family obligations.... well, there's going to be a lot to write about, n'est pas?

I hope I get a follower or two to keep me motivated and for those infrequent browsers... :D

1 comment:

  1. Hope you don't mind me being one of your followers, I'm just stalking you every where!!! lol! I am started at your began and my goal is not to commit on everything! ;~)
    Your goals and expectations seem reasonable but life is ever changing which is why I don't like "New Year's Resolutions" ether, you can't predict the whole year! So as I start I will say "Good Luck"! But I know you and I know you are doing an awesome job as a person, as a mother, as a cook, as a friend, and as student! I would add wife but since you are not mine I could not answer that one but your husband would be crazy to any bad about you!
    (P.S. you can always stock me at my blog too)
